
Portal Energy Perspective Guidance

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3/3 Portal Energy Perspective Guidance

Resilience resides within,
it's trusting in the power that is our existence.
Itā€™s Rebirth and it's beginning again.

What an amazing time we are in as this month rolls out with many power-packed, celestial events. After recently passing through a powerful new moon, and an incredible line up of ā€œvisible to the naked eyeā€ planets, we are entering an eclipse season, and we begin the astrological new year, with the sign of Aries, on the Spring Equinox.
March offers us an opportunity to come face to face with the essence of Resilience when we remember thatā€¦.

Resilience is the capacity to Recover!

This 3/3 portal brings the essence and energy of the number three which offers divine guidance, support and encouragement. It brings a message of positive alignment in your creativity, and has you stepping into authentic and vulnerable self-expression. Itā€™s about expanded spiritualĀ growth.
All aspects of a season where we are both planting seeds AND witnessing new budding coming through.

It turns out that we are told Jesus lived to be 33 so as we are in this 3/3 portal energy we are seeing the reflection.

We have many things in this life that offer us opportunities to be knocked down and maybe even dragged through the mud. It might an especially challenging time for some as we witness what our collective humanity and planet are moving through.
Are there times when you feel like you're all alone in the landscape that surrounds you, and there's no one or nothing to support you?
Have you ever felt like the bulk of your life and existence was chopped off, when you experienced a devastating loss?
Have you been in an experience where part of you felt like it was ripped away?
Have you ever felt like you were reaching over painfully ā€œrockyā€ challenging experiences?
Whether you answered yes or no to these questions is irrelevant. Whatā€™s important for you to be aware of is that when we get knocked down and we feel raw, vulnerable and fearful, that it is our choice to remember thatā€¦

Resilience resides within,
it's trusting in the power that IS our birthright,
and the nature of our existence.
Itā€™s beginning again.
Itā€™s remembering thatā€¦.
Everything in Life is a Choice

It's choice, it's willingness to allow the mud to be a teacher.
Itā€™s surrender to this life as earth school and that everything we experience is for us and our growth.
Itā€™s about allowing for what is natural, partnering with earth's energetic vibration as we are Rewilding and Remembering Our Selves into oneness. Resilience is everywhere in nature and it is in the surrender that one begins again.
Have you ever said the wordsā€¦.
ā€œI love my resilient self.ā€
If Yes, than I invite you to celebrate that you are choosing to feel that way.
If you are not at that point yet, I invite you to find the time to sit with yourself and allow yourself to drop in with YOU and discover all the ways that you are naturally resilient.
I recently came across a new meditation practice and I shifted it a bit in honor of this 33 portal. Itā€™s both simple and profound as we pay attention to our breath.

I invite you to take 5 or 10 or 30 minutes...
Find a place where you won't be disturbed
Sit or lie down where you and your body feel completely supported Ā 
Gently close your eyes
Begin with inhale and count 1
Then exhale and count 2
Inhale count 3
Exhale count 4
Continuing until you get to 33
Begin again with 1
You might lose count, you might be counting ahead of your breaths, you might continue past 33ā€¦
Begin againā€¦
Allow yourself to witness, find your rhythm, drop in and listen. Invite your guides and Higher Self to provide support and guidance for your continued unfolding journey.
Allow yourself to feel complete, whenever that arises.
Offer gratitude.


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2/2 Portal Energy Perspective Guidance

The essence of ā€˜2ā€™ guides us to the awareness of duality and polarity.
It calls forth the energies of:

Connection! Peace! Balance! Harmony! Union!

It's that time of year again and we are looking for our shadow, or at least the Groundhog is looking for his. As we are halfway through Winter, we find this day sharing space with the pagan holiday of Imbolc, as it moves from Sunset to Sunset through our calendar on 2/1. We find the same message from both perspectives:

Six more weeks until the Spring Equinox.

In addition, this potent portal day falls shortly after we have turned the page on the Lunar New Year and it's a Snake! Shedding skin as we are stepping more fully into the '9' year.

Life on Earthā€¦.
It's all about reflection and synchroncity.

As we've spoken into this '9' year being about completion, we are witnessing the realization of the contracts that have led us to this point.

  • We see the places where the separations have become so significant that there is no longer a foundation for them to exist.
  • We see and feel what is out of alignment within ourselves as well as the system we live in.

We are feeling into the call for Balance!

The wall in Berlin is one example in our history and there have been many, many others since the dawn of humanity. This year is another setting Sun in a cycle. A cycle that has been since the beginning of time, since this Earth School 3D matrix was created.

These pillars that hold up the container for such immense growth on the spiritual evolutionary journey, when faced from a place of amnesia, are found to be exceedingly challenging to navigate and to understand their relevance in this dimension. For many, the amnesia is fading and MANY from our recent generations have a thin, or even non-existent, veil of separation.

This world, as we know it, is in a place where it has turned upside down, it has flipped its lid. The deconstruction is being witnessed around the planet, throughout all of the systems.

Itā€™s when we shift perspectives that we see.
We are at that part of the cycle, as the collective of humanity, where we are closest to the end, to the birth, to the beginning. We are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak. We see with our inner eyes and inner knowing that we are on the journey of our awakening consciousness.

We desire to experience HARMONY!Ā 

To achieve this experience each one within the collective must have its labor and its journey to birth, through the places where the discomfort is at its greatest.

Itā€™s time for us to FEEL OUR FEELINGS!

This spiritual journey is about recognizing that we chose this, that all is created from within, and that we get to decide how to be with all that has been co-created around us.

Itā€™s time to choose PEACE and CONNECTION!
It is time for us to learn how to feel that "the right to BE" comes from within. We are not given rights, we stand in them.
It is time for us to recognize that feeling ā€œFreeā€ comes from within, and that we do not need to be given freedom by another.

Rights and Freedomsā€¦
Constructs that are guides to clarity and truth.

That is how all will come into a place of connectedness and oneness with hearts open, trusting, and loving.
How are you witnessing your perspective on what is swirling around you and how does it reflect your inner story?
What are you willing to lean into and find CONNECTION with?
What are you willing to separate from in order to BE at peace?

There is now the opportunity to be like the falling snow in the globe and find yourself resettling from a place of listening, from a place of oneness, from a place of love.

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1/1 Portal Energy Perspective Guidance

It's that time of year again, we are "turning the calendar" and that's a phrase used when we desire to express that we are starting anew.

This 1/1 portal energy day, that kicks off a 9 year, is an opportunity for clarity on your path, as you clear the roadblocks from what has kept you from your greatest Self, expressing as YOU.

This is a message that came through my channeled writing, after my meditation this morning:
We are all here together in this space. At this time, for a reason, and every single one of us is here to contribute. This '9' year is an opportunity to achieve clarity, and let go of anything that is blocking you from truly seeing the YOU within you, the LOVE that is you, and the offering that is here to be shared by you. We are all magical creatures, creating our experiences and our existence. It is our choice how we step, and breathe, and look in each and every moment. That is our true power - to love ourselves and remember that what we see of ourselves within is what will be projected outward, onto theĀ lifeĀ weĀ see.

Where will you begin?
How will you start anew?
What is ready to be let go of?
How do you see yourself coming through,
in the most amazing and profound ways?


We are at a prominent time in our Human evolution and life cycle and each one of us has an opportunity to contribute.

Take these questions, be with them, and create around the answers with these options:
~ Burning to ash through Fire ceremony
~ Surrendering into flowing Water
~ Speaking into the Wind
~ Grounding presence into and with the Earth

What I have desired to BE is deserving, and it has become the design as I decide, and watch as it IS being.
Make your declaration! Show up and Shine!