In Connection
Jul 07, 2019In life we flow from connection to disconnection and back again. What does that look like/feel like for you? What does being in connection mean to you? I propose that you recognize both states are serving. It is as important that we have both night and day on our planet, it creates sustainability. Knowing the feeling of disconnect helps us to know deeper what it is like to feel connected. Part of the experience is simply having awareness and consciously choosing to move through the states and another part is just being in the moment, without judgement.
I have found that when I feel connected, I am in alignment with the ALL, the energy that is contained in each of us and is in everything. You can call it by many names: God, Goddess, Divine, Mystery and many others. That is not important, it is the “feeling” you have when in relationship with IT that creates the connection.
When I am having difficulty feeling connected then I may be labeling myself as: depressed, confused, off my game, out of balance or other choice words.
When I DECIDE to step outside of that label or state and CHOOSE that I want to be in a different state, that first act, making a decision, will support me in shifting the energy. This is the beginning of becoming connected. From there I need to physically do something different.
Some of the tools, in other words, “small acts of connection” can be:
Go outside, maybe take a walk, pull some weeds or at least just breathe in the fresh air. Stop and smell the roses.
Find an animal to sit with, petting and loving on my sweet cats or dogs can easily bring me to a state of appreciation which leads to connection.
Look for signs. I love seeing 11:11 on a digital clock. It is an invitation to be in the moment and thank the Universe for all of its greatness and that I have this moment to be present in.
Decide to say a blessing before a meal or share a gratitude from your day with your meal companions.
This is our life’s work, coming back to connection. Our journey as spiritual beings having a human experience draws us away from spirit and and often from love, being that love and spirit are intertwined. We also can fine tune our connection to Other, seen as family or as community and we have our connection to our Body and to Earth.
When we are in connection to all of these aspects of LIFE, then we are in flow, in the moment and willing to take the Journey one step at a time.
I invite you to find three things, maybe ones you’ve used in the past, or maybe a new idea has crossed your mind, and implement or revisit a daily practice of finding and being in Connection.
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